Knowing what your risk tolerance and investment style are will help you choose investments more wisely. While there are many different types of investments that one can make, there are really only three specific investment styles – and those three styles tie in with your risk tolerance. The three investment styles are conservative, moderate, and aggressive.

Naturally, if you find that you have a low tolerance for risk, your investment style will most likely be conservative or moderate at best. If you have a high tolerance for risk, you will most likely be a moderate or aggressive investor. At the same time, your financial goals will also determine what style of investing you use.

If you are saving for retirement in your early twenties, you should use a conservative or moderate style of investing – but if you are trying to get together the funds to buy a home in the next year or two, you would want to use an aggressive style.

Conservative investors want to maintain their initial investment. In other words, if they invest $5000 they want to be sure that they will get their initial $5000 back. This type of investor usually invests in common stocks and bonds and short term money market accounts.

An interest earning savings account is very common for conservative investors.
A moderate investor usually invests much like a conservative investor, but will use a portion of their investment funds for higher risk investments. Many moderate investors invest 50% of their investment funds in safe or conservative investments, and invest the remainder in riskier investments.

An aggressive investor is willing to take risks that other investors won’t take. They invest higher amounts of money in riskier ventures in the hopes of achieving larger returns – either over time or in a short amount of time. Aggressive investors often have all or most of their investment funds tied up in the stock market.

Again, determining what style of investing you will use will be determined by your financial goals and your risk tolerance. No matter what type of investing you do, however, you should carefully research that investment. Never invest without having all of the facts!
Like this article? What Is Your Investment Style?

You say you know where your money goes and you don’t need it all written down to keep up with it? I issue you this challenge. Keep track of every penny you spend for one month and I do mean every penny.

You will be shocked at what the itty-bitty expenses add up to. Take the total you spent on just one unnecessary item for the month, multiply it by 12 for months in a year and multiply the result by 5 to represent 5 years.

That is how much you could have saved AND drawn interest on in just five years. That, my friend, is the very reason all of us need a budget.

If we can get control of the small expenses that really don’t matter to the overall scheme of our lives, we can enjoy financial success.

The little things really do count. Cutting what you spend on lunch from five dollars a day to three dollars a day on every work day in a five day work week saves $10 a week… $40 a month… $480 a year… $2400 in five years….plus interest.

See what I mean… it really IS the little things and you still eat lunch everyday AND that was only one place to save money in your daily living without doing without one thing you really need. There are a lot of places to cut expenses if you look for them.

Set some specific long term and short term goals. There are no wrong answers here. If it’s important to you, then it’s important period.

If you want to be able to make a down payment on a house, start a college fund for your kids, buy a sports car, take a vacation to Aruba… anything… then that is your goal and your reason to get a handle on your financial situation now.
Like this article? Why Should I Make a Budget?
Credit Scores: What's It About and What Makes a Good Credit Score?

Imagine yourself applying for a car loan, you have the money and you have the right job to pay the loan back before the due date. However, even if you have the right job and the money for it, you still haven't been approved for the loan. This will make you wonder why.

In the United States, having money and having a high salary isn't everything. You have to consider one important thing that will have significant impact in your daily life. This important thing is used by creditors, such as banks and credit card companies to determine if you will likely pay back what you borrowed from them. This important thing is called the credit score or your credit rating.

If you were delinquent in paying your bills or loans in the past, you should expect to have a low credit score. Everything about your credit history will determine if you will get a high credit score or not. This is why it is important for you to settle those bills or loans on time in order to avoid getting a negative credit report from the creditors you borrowed money from.

For example, if it took you a long time to pay for your credit card bills, the credit card company will issue a report to credit reporting agencies that will state that you haven't been paying your bills on time, or you still have a debt to pay to their company. This will result in lowering your credit score.

You have to realize the fact that credit scores are very important in today's society. Even phone companies are now taking a look of their future subscriber's credit score to determine if they will likely pay the monthly phone bills or not. With a bad credit score, just simply getting a phone line hooked up in your house can be a difficult thing to do.

Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies also takes a look at your credit score to determine if you will be approved for the loan or the credit card or not. Having a high credit score will open a lot of credit opportunities for you. People with high credit score have a much easier time when applying for a low interest credit card and also for a low interest loans. This is because creditors are sure that they will likely pay their debts on time.

FICO or Fair Isaac Corporation is the widely used company in terms of calculating your credit score. The FICO score ranges from 300 to 850. The higher your score is, the easier you can have access to low interest loans and credit cards. In the United States, a FICO score of 725.660 is considered as a break point for credit worthiness. Having this number on your credit score is just the starting number on your way to become a credit worthy person.

In order to get higher numbers, you should pay all your debts in time. What this means is that whatever loans or bills you have lying around in your home, you have to pay it in order to gain points in your credit score. If you don’t, then your credit score will continue to decline and will also leave you in a far greater amount of debt.

Always remember that having a good credit score is a must. If you have a 725 credit score, you are well on your way to become a credit worthy person. Increase your score and gain access to the best loan and credit card deals possible.